The Marseillaise, the molluscs, the ' indifference ... and Bergman.
published by Salvatore M. Ruggiero on Saturday, March 19, 2011 at 12:08
I had to change my mind.
When I heard that call the shellfish failures "endifferents.
That means, in fact, indifferent. Indifferent
citric acid content in lemon that put us above.
In practice, if they open a clam - a clam that say - if it was alive and fresh would move, in response to the lemon juice, if instead, was dead or even dead, they would say is: "endifferent " (Indifferent), because it does not move, does not react.
Applying the same rule for men (and that's the beauty of the story) they believe that a person indifferent, which does not react, is faulty, then died.
Moral: it seems as if the Bergman Marseille have read and have learned and made them his profound teaching: "The worst thing is the indifference, the worst sin is the omission, lack of commitment."
buillabaisse Good!
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